Smarter People Through Interactive Digital Entertainment Resources

Smarter People through Interactive Digital Entertainment Resources


Book: Education, media and participatory culture
Open University of Catalonia Press

The increasing presence of media and digital technologies plays a key role in many aspects of our daily life. Computers, video games, Internet, digital cameras or mobile phones are essential tools among young and no so young to communicate, share, consume or create knowledge. All these activities significantly affect the development of our social, cultural and educational competences, i.e. the way we communicate, eat, work, study or solve problems. This particular context challenges us to think more creatively about the relationships and interactions between communication and learning, and to explore how educational models are being impacted by the processes of social change that come with digitalization, the emergence of social media and the so-called web 2.0. 

We encourage the submission of original contributions to the two-volume book on Education, media and participatory culture that will be published by Open University of Catalonia under UOCpress collection. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Relations and interactions between communication and learning
2. New social uses of audiovisual technologies
3. Relations and interactions between education and entertainment
4. Participatory culture and learning in the digital age
5. Social networks and virtual communities
6. Videogames and virtual worlds
7. Projects’ dissemination

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before December 20, 2012 a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by January 15, 2013 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters (4,500 – 6.000 words) are expected to be submitted by April 30, 2013. All submitted full chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.

Important dates:
Chapter proposal submission (800 words): December 20, 2012
Full chapter submission (4500 - 6000 words): April 30, 2013
Expected date of publication: October 2013

Educación, medios y la cultura de la participación
Editorial UOC. Colección UOCpress

La vida de los jóvenes y no tan jóvenes se desarrolla en contextos caracterizados por la creciente presencia de medios y tecnologías digitales que juegan un papel fundamental en relación con múltiples aspectos de la vida cotidiana. Los ordenadores, los videojuegos, Internet, las cámaras digitales o los teléfonos móviles son herramientas esenciales para comunicarse, compartir, consumir, participar o crear. No cabe duda que este tipo de actividades repercuten de manera significativa en su dinámica de obtención y desarrollo de competencias a nivel social, cultural y educativo, es decir, en la manera que tienen y tenemos de comunicarnos, consumir, trabajar, estudiar, colaborar, resolver problemas y, como no, de repensar las intervenciones y modelos educativos.

El monográfico está organizado alrededor de los siguientes temas de interés (que no capítulos):
  1. Relaciones e interacciones entre comunicación, la educación y el aprendizaje
  2. Nuevos usos sociales de las tecnologías audiovisuales/digitales (jóvenes y/o adultos)
  3. Relaciones e interacciones entre educación y entretenimiento
  4. Cultura participativa y aprendizaje en la era digital
  5. Redes sociales y comunidades virtuales
  6. Videojuegos y mundos virtuales
  7. Difusión de Proyectos y experiencias

Important dates:
Chapter proposal submission (800 words): December 20, 2012
Full chapter submission (4500 - 6000 words): April 30, 2013
Expected date of publication: October 2013

Inquiries can be forwarded to:
Dr. Daniel Aranda
Department of Communication and Information Sciences
Open University of Catalonia